News list for " Dean"

美剧《绝命毒师》中汉克扮演者Dean Norris的X账户短时被盗并推广Meme币骗局

美剧《绝命毒师》中汉克·施拉德扮演者 Dean Norris 的 X 账户一度遭入侵并推广一种使用其肖像的 Meme 币 DEAN。1 月 26 日,Norris 在其 X 账户上发布了一段视频,称账户被盗,而 DEAN 是一个“彻头彻尾的骗局”。 推广该代币的帖子已被删除,用户截取了黑客的原始帖子和后续帖子的截图,其中包括一张明显经过篡改的照片,照片中 Norris 手拿一张纸,上面写着 DEAN 和发布日期。

2025-01-27 02:46:02
《绝命毒师》主演 Dean Norris 推特账号再次遭黑客攻击并发布假冒代币

《绝命毒师》演员 Dean Norris 的推特账号半年内第二次遭黑客攻击。黑客以其名义发布名为 Dean 的代币,并伪造其持纸条照片进行推广。该代币市值一度攀升至 700 万美元,在 Norris 发布视频澄清遭黑客攻击后暴跌 90%。 Norris 表示因不常使用推特,直到收到朋友短信才知晓账号被劫持。去年 9 月,其账号曾被利用推广 TRON 链上的 SHRADER 代币。随着特朗普发布 TRUMP ...

2025-01-26 09:33:15
Crypto firm WonderFi CEO kidnapped, kidnappers demand $1 million ransom

Dean Skurka, CEO of Toronto-based crypto firm WonderFi, was kidnapped and released after paying a $1 million ransom. Dean Skurka was abducted after being forced into a car in downtown Toronto, the report said. He was later released after a $1 million transfer was made. The crypto executive said he was "safe and the company's clients' funds and data were not affected," the report said. Police said the investigation was ongoing, but gave no further details.

2024-11-07 22:47:18
加密公司WonderFi CEO被绑架,绑匪勒索100万美元赎金

多伦多加密公司WonderFi首席执行官Dean Skurka被绑架,在支付100万美元赎金后获释。 报道称,Dean Skurka在多伦多市中心被强行塞进一辆车内后遭绑架。随后他在转账支付了100万美元后被释放。报道称,该加密货币高管表示,他“很安全,公司客户的资金和数据没有受到影响”。警方表示,调查仍在进行中,但未透露更多细节。

2024-11-07 22:47:18
WonderFi CEO: Macro factors in Canada and the United States favor bitcoin prices

Dean Skurka, president and CEO of digital financial services firm WonderFi, believes that interest rate cuts in Canada and the United States, as well as the upcoming 2024 US Presidential Election, will continue to drive bitcoin prices higher over the next 6-24 months. Skurka explained in an interview with Cointelegraph that the recent decision by the Bank of Canada to cut interest rates by 50 basis points, as well as the Federal Reserve's ongoing rate cut program starting in September 2024, will...

2024-11-02 19:19:40
WonderFi 首席执行官:加拿大和美国的宏观因素有利于比特币价格

数字金融服务公司WonderFi总裁兼首席执行官Dean Skurka认为,加拿大和美国的降息以及即将到来的2024年美国总统大选将在未来6-24个月内继续推动比特币价格走高。Skurka 在接受 Cointelegraph 采访时解释说,加拿大央行最近决定将利率下调 50 个基点,以及美联储于 2024 年 9 月开始的持续降息计划,将鼓励散户和机构投资者进入市场或增加...

2024-11-02 19:19:40
Binance has announced the appointment of Jeff Li as its new vice president of products

On October 30th, Binance announced the appointment of Jeff Li as its new Vice President of Product during Binance Blockchain Week. Jeff will focus on expanding and enhancing Binance's product portfolio, ensuring it remains at the forefront of building the future of blockchain and Web3. Jeff Li has over 16 years of combined experience in Web2 and Web3 product leadership and software engineering. During his tenure at Binance, Jeff will be responsible for leading Binance's global product and...

2024-10-30 11:36:06
South Korea's Financial Supervisory Service is investigating various abnormal transactions, including AVAIL on Bithumb

On October 17, the head of the South Korean Financial Supervisory Service, Lee Bok-hyun, said in an audit of the National Assembly Political Committee on the 17th that "we are investigating the issue of AVAIL coins traded on Bithumb". Avail soared to 3,500 won in 15 minutes after going live at 263 won on July 23, but fell to 296 won less than a day later, raising suspicions of price manipulation. In response, Min Byoung-dug, a lawmaker from the Democratic Party of Korea, said, "This AVAIL token ...

2024-10-17 05:44:08
Opinion: The guessing game surrounding the path of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy has left the market confused

Erian, a prominent columnist and dean of Queen's College, Cambridge, said the current guessing game over the path of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy is causing market volatility. US Treasuries have already suffered a sharp sell-off after a strong September non-farm payrolls report prompted traders to quickly downgrade bets on the Federal Reserve's future sharp interest rate cuts. The decline since Friday has pushed yields on benchmark two-year and 10-year Treasuries above 4% for the first ...

2024-10-08 15:58:23
SEC and Ideanomics Settlement of Financial Report Fraud Involving 40 million Dollar Cryptocurrency

The SEC accused Ideanomics of reporting more than $40 million in revenue in 2019 through false accounting related to crypto-asset transactions. This false reporting resulted in financial statements being overvalued, deceiving shareholders and the public into misunderstanding the company's financial health. According to reports, all parties involved agreed to settle, neither admitting nor denying the SEC's findings. Former Chairperson and CEO Bruno Wu agreed to pay more than $3.30 million in ill-...

2024-08-10 09:50:14

SEC 指控 Ideanomics 公司在 2019 年通过与加密资产交易相关的虚假会计报告了超过 4000 万美元的收入。这种虚假报告导致财务报表被高估,欺骗了股东和公众,使他们对公司的财务状况产生了误解。 据报道,所有涉案方均同意和解,既不承认也不否认美 SEC 的调查结果。前董事长兼首席执行官 Bruno Wu 同意支付超过 330 万美元的非法所得、判决前利息和 20 万美元的罚...

2024-08-10 09:50:14